Category: Spring 2023 Classes

  • Dual Enrollment- High School and Community College

    Dual Enrollment- High School and Community College

    Start with the California Community College Application. You will need your students SSN and GPA in addition to normal personal data. Once that application is done your high school counselor will confirm the student’s status at which time the student can enroll at SCC for with tuition covered by SCUSD. More info: What Students…

  • Ranger Laser Instructions

    Ranger Laser Instructions

    Hardware RANGER III 600×380 24″x15″ Laser Desktop×380-24×15-laser-desktop Software The software used for the Ranger laser is LaserCAD, its a free software for PC. A few of the computers in the workroom have LaserCAD installed. The native file format for LaserCAD is pwj5. You can design for the laser in Adobe Illustrator, Corel, Canva, Affinity…