How to Get the Software
- Download the free trial
Students and teachers are eligible for a discount. Start by downloading the 7-day free trial, making sure to use your school email address when you sign up. - You can use Illustrator in the Makerspace Lab or Design Lab by signing into Adobe using your Los Rios W# and password.
- Use Illustrator at the DDSN Design Lab
- Take DDSN 341 Digital Illustration for Graphic Design I
- Tips & Tricks
- Get Started Tutorials from Adobe.
- Image Trace lets you convert raster images (JPEG, PNG, PSD etc.) to vector artwork. Using this feature, you can easily base a new drawing on an existing piece of artwork by tracing it.
- Use the Adobe Capture App to automatically convert to vector shapes.
Tips & Tricks
Slides: Illustrator for Makerspace
- Get Started Tutorials from Adobe
- ARTBOARDS represent the printable area / can be different sizes and orientations, be arranged and overlap
- LAYERS contain objects and are stacked. Can be arranged to bring content in front of or behind other content.
- COLORS: Vector artwork can have a stroke (border) and a fill, either can be a color, gradient, or pattern. Swatches panel stores the documents colors.
- ADD TEXT: Use the Type tool, type text, change size, color, and other appearances in type panel. To set text: Create Outlines main menu> Type > Create Outlines
- Image Trace lets you convert raster images (JPEG, PNG, PSD etc.) to vector artwork. Using this feature, you can easily base a new drawing on an existing piece of artwork by tracing it.
- Use the Adobe Capture App to automatically convert to vector shapes.